Juwon Lee
Lee, Juwon. 2020. Semantic Taxonomy and NP-coordination in Korean. The Autumn Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Korea, Jeonju, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. Persuade vs. Convince: A Corpus Study. The Autumn Meeting of the Korean Association for Corpus Linguistics, Busan, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2019. Non-culmination and Serial Verb Construction in Korean. The Autumn Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Korea, Jeonju, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2019. Non-culmination of Korean Activity Verbs. The Monthly Meeting of the Korean Society of Language and Information, Seoul, South Korea. [Invited Talk]
Lee, Juwon and Sanghoun Song. 2019. The persuade-construction in Korean controls nothing. The 33rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC), Hakodate, Japan.
Lee, Juwon. 2019. On Semantics of English Verbs of Killing. The Spring Meeting of the Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics, Seoul, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2019. A Pro-drop Analysis of “Control Construction” in Korean. The Spring Meeting of Korean Association for Corpus Linguistics, Seoul, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2018. The Complementarity of Intentionality and Affectedness: Evidence from English Verbs of Killing. Talk at the Autumn Meeting of the Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics, Seoul, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2018. Persuade-construction in Korean. Talk at the Autumn Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Korea, Gwangju, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2018. On Seltukha-construction in Korean. Talk at the Spring Meeting of the Korean Society for Language and Information, Daegu, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2018. Intentionality, Purpose, and Tasi ‘Again’ in Korean. Talk at the Joint Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Korea and the Society of Modern Grammar, Jeonju, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2018. Intentionality, Scalar Change, and Non-culmination in Korean Caused Change-of-State Predicates. Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, The University of Hawaii at Manoa. [Invited Talk]
Lee, Juwon. 2017. Semantic Taxonomies and Tasi ‘Again’ in Korean. Talk at the Autumn Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Korea, Seoul, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2017. On Interpretations of Again. Talk at the International Conference on Current Issues and Trends in the Study of Language and Information, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea.
Beavers, John & Juwon Lee. 2017. Intentionality and Non-culmination of Caused Change-of-State Predicates in Korean. Talk at the Spring Joint Conference of The Korean Society for Language and Information, The Korean Association of Language Studies, The English Linguistics Society of Korea, The Modern Linguistic Society of Korea, Jeju Island, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2017. Non-culmination Reading and Agency. The Monthly Meeting of the Korean Society of Language and Information, Seoul, South Korea. [Invited Talk]
Lee, Juwon. 2017. The Complementarity of Intentionality and Affectedness. Talk at the Workshop on Non-culminating, Irresultative and Atelic Readings of Telic Predicates: Combining Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives, Stuttgart, Germany.
Lee, Juwon & Mi Jang. 2017. The Causative Event Structure of Some "Activity" Predicates. Talk at the Workshop on Non-culminating, Irresultative and Atelic Readings of Telic Predicates: Combining Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives, Stuttgart, Germany.
Lee, Juwon. 2016. Towards a Unified Account of Resultative Constructions in Korean. Poster at the 30th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC), Seoul, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2016. A New Type of Resultative Construction in English. Talk at the Autumn Meeting of the Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics, Seoul, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2016. Verbs of Creation and Resultative Constructions in English. Talk at the Summer Meeting of the Linguistic Science Society, Daegu, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2016. Intentionality and Conative Constructions. Talk at the Spring Meeting of the Korean Society of Language and Information, Seoul, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2016. On Resultative Predicates in Korean. Talk at the Spring Meeting of the Korean Society of Language and Information, Seoul, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2016. Event Structure of Some Activity Predicates. Talk at the Spring Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Korea, Yeosu, South Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2015. An Intention-based Account of Accomplishments in Korean. Thesis presentation at the Autumn Meeting of Korean Society of Language and Information, Daegu, South Korea. [Invited Talk]
Lee, Juwon. 2015. Semantic Taxonomies and NP-coordinations. Talk at the 22nd International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), Singapore, Republic of Singapore.
Lee, Juwon. 2014. Two Types of Serial Verb Constructions in Korean: Subject-Sharing and Index-Sharing. Talk at the 21st International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), Buffalo, New York.
Lee, Juwon. 2012. Multiple Interpretations and Constraints of Causative Serial Verb Constructions in Korean. Talk at the 38th Annual Meeting of Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS), Berkeley, California.
Lee, Juwon. 2012. The Direct Evidential -te in Korean: Its Interaction with Person and Experiencer Predicates. Talk at the 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), Daejeon, Korea.
Lee, Juwon. 2011. Passive Light Verb Construction in Korean: Lexical Representation of toy. Talk at the 14th Harvard (Biennial) International Symposium on Korean Linguistics (Harvard-ISOKL), Boston, Massachusetts.
Lee, Juwon. 2011. Change of State Verb and Syntax of Serial Verb Constructions in Korean: An HPSG Account. Poster at the 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), Tucson, Arizona.
Lee, Juwon. 2011. Two Types of Korean Light Verb Constructions in a Typed Feature Structure Grammar. Talk at the 2011 Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE): from Parsing and Generation to the Real World, Portland, Oregon.
Kang, Woosoon, Jong-Bok Kim, Dongjun Lee, Juwon Lee and Incheol Choi. 2006. A Classifications of Korean Verbal Expressions. Talk at the 4th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Syntax and Semantics of Korean and Japanese, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Keihana, Japan.
Kim, Jong-Bok, Jae-Woong Choe, Woosoon Kang, Dongjun Lee and Juwon Lee. 2006. A Hierarchical Classification of Korean Verbal Types. Talk at the 9th Conference of the Korean Association for Lexicography (KAL), Seoul, South Korea.